Yo, listen up, here’s the scoop
We’re diving into some legal group
From dram shop law and trustees’ legal duties
To the meaning of a daughter-in-law and California government laws
So buckle up and let’s dive right in
‘Cause this legal rap is ’bout to begin
First up, let’s talk about dram shop law
It’s about liability for alcohol-related flaws
When bars and servers overserve a guest
They could be held responsible, it’s no jest
Next in line, the legal liabilities of trustees
Their responsibilities, they can’t just refuse
Then there’s the meaning of a daughter-in-law
Just in case you didn’t know before
And don’t forget tax entities and USMCA
They’re all part of the legal buffet
Is it legal to mail prescription drugs, you ask?
It’s a tricky subject, it’s quite the task
And if you need to reserve the right to take legal action
This article is your satisfaction
Last but not least, the ranking of law colleges in India
And search and seizure law, oh what a find
So there you have it, legal terms galore
Hope you’ve learned and come back for more
‘Cause brushing up on your legal know-how
Can help you navigate the legal tao